Feline Vaccine Schedule - Bayside Hospital for Animals - Fort Walton Beach, FL

Bayside Hospital for Animals

251 Racetrack Rd NE
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547




Kitten Vaccination Schedule:

6-9 weeks         Physical examination
                        FeLV/FIV test (Feline leukemia/Feline immunodeficiency                            FVRCP vaccine #1

                        Fecal exam, bring in sample
                        Flea and heartworm prevention can begin at 8 weeks
9-12 weeks       Physical examination
                        FVRCP vaccine #2
                        FeLV vaccine #1   (*if needed)
                        Fecal exam, bring in sample   


12-15 weeks     Physical examination

                        FVRCP vaccine #3 if second vaccine given at <12 weeks
                        FeLV vaccine #2 (*if needed)
                        Rabies vaccination (will last 1 year)
* We do recommend that all kittens (even indoor only) initially get a FeLV vaccination series since the possibility exists that they may be exposed to FeLV through the introduction of new cats, exposure to other cats if they should escape the house, or in case they do become indoor/outdoor cats later in life. We may elect to drop the FeLV vaccination from the vaccination program later in the kittens life if he/she is a truly 100% indoor kitty as they are most susceptible as kittens.

Cat Vaccination Schedule:

1 year             Physical examination
                      FVRCP vaccination
                      FeLV vaccination (*if needed)
                      Rabies vaccination (good for 3 years if proof of previous vaccination) 

                      Flea and heartworm control
                      FeLV/FIV testing (*if needed)

                      Fecal exam (if outdoor), bring in sample if possible
2-9 years        Physical examination yearly
                      FVRCP vaccination every 1 year
                      FeLV vaccination yearly (*if needed)
                      Rabies vaccination every 3 years (if proof of previous vaccination)                  

                      Flea and heartworm control
                      FeLV/FIV testing (*if needed)

                      Fecal exam (if outdoor), bring in sample if possible
10 + years      As above
                     Consider geriatric blood profile yearly to screen for 
manageable aging diseases (such as diabetes, 

                     kidney disease, hyperthyroidism).  

* Indoor cats with no exposure to the outdoors and/or other cats that go inside and outside will not need a FeLV vaccine. If unvaccinated, make sure that all new cats entering the household have been FeLV tested negative before exposing them to your cat.


FVRCP vaccination = Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis/Calici/Panleukopenia vaccination
FeLV vaccination = Feline Leukemia Virus vaccination
FeLV/FIV testing = Feline Leukemia Virus/ Feline Immunodeficiency Virus testing